Golden Heart

Golden Heart

Monday, May 10, 2010

Genie in a Bottle

Love is not truly expressed in words. How can such a small sentence, "I love you," convey all within thee? I do not know.

Reaching deep inside, exploring love, comes down to discovering myself. Once I have found the love that is me then perhaps I can truly love God or another. Dancing, writing, photographing the beauty around me is my self-expression in action, love from within being drawn outward to manifest, create, and inspire.

Love is limitless in Its divine state. It is only humans who wish to put it in a box and wrap it up with a pretty, golden bow. It is my desire to break out of this box, to be adventurous and bold and true to the me others cannot see.

Asleep for so long, I feel like a genie who has been trapped within a bottle and washed upon the sandy shore. Quite suddenly I am let loose upon a land of zombies like a rocket shot into the great, dark abyss of space. Rushing from one to the other, thirsty to drink of life, I feel I am alive in the land of the dead. Despair shakes me to the core as I run among them, looking for some sign, some spark, to indicate they remember. visible signs of Light or Sound...and disappointment washes over me. I know it is there but they do not recall their divine inheritance, and I find myself very alone.

The excitement that bubbled inside fizzles with discouragement. It makes me long for the comfort of my tiny bottle, a place so restricting but so incredibly safe. My feet carry me through dense forests and rocky mountains back to empty beaches where my aloneness is as vast as the ocean before me to wander in search of...what? It escapes me.

A big orange and yellow ball of light crests upon the water in all its glory then rises into the sky sprinkling diamonds across the liquid blue beneath it. Just as quickly, the fiery ball of gold setting high above sinks downward in an array of rich pinks and reds, disappearing into the watery depths.

Replacing the sun, a full moon presents itself and lights the darkness while sparks of light dance in shimmery dresses across the universes. Sitting, watching in awe and silence, I feel as if time has collapsed and everything speeds by me in quick frames as the moonlight fades and the dancers leave to slumber but, alas, the glow and the promise of a new day springs forth once again. Wondering, pondering, contemplating...what is my place within it all? A part of it I am and yet I am not.

What good is it to have this magnificent show played for you in all its grandeur and no one to share it with? With no one to partake of this intimacy, the love, bursting from every atom, every cell, that composes your physical being, you cannot help but feel empty and incomplete in some way. Emotions run amok as Soul smiles gently, patiently, knowing what I do not yet know.

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