Golden Heart

Golden Heart

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Journey to Remembering

When our eyes first met,
I did not know you.
But how could I not
When in my dreams we so often
Rendezvoused upon white sandy beaches
Longing to recapture
A time so distant past.
Connecting a love
That transcended time and space.
Two Souls who could not bear
To be kept apart.

When our hands first touched,
Shooting stars burst between them.
A magic not seen before and ever since.
A spark reigniting a passion
That never died
But instead burned quietly waiting
For the opportunity to burn
Brightly and fiercely once more.
The roar of the flames grew louder
As they reunited as One.

When our lips met,
Time froze completely
Honoring the silent recognition
Of a love running so deeply.
Stunned silence as Soul and Soul
Rejoiced in remembering.
The One becoming two,
Desiring to become One again.
The veil drops before them.
Illusion can be no more.

Alas, they are no longer lost
But neither can they be together.
Circumstances wedged
Like a large fallen tree between them,
Unmovable by mere human strength,
Blocking the only path
They had come to know.
Did they dare dream for Divine Intervention?
Or had hope suffered a terrible death,
Crushed beneath the weight of fate?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In Thanksgiving...

"Thanksgiving is one of the attributes or qualities that come to the person who loves God. To serve others is to love others, and to love others is to serve others."

"Truth Has No Secrets," Harold Klemp

What I am most grateful for:

Being a mom.
Giving and receiving love.
My furry babies.
Inner peace.
The gift of life.
Spiritual Freedom.
Capturing the moment with my camera.
Spiritual exercises.
Long walks.
Long drives.
The ocean, the sand, the BEACH!
Relaxing and reading a good book.
Helping others.
Knowing love never dies.
Serving whenever and wherever I can.
Inner peace.
The Golden Temples of Wisdom.
The ECK Masters.
Going to the Worldwide.
Having dinner with special friends.
Fall colors.
Sunsets and sunrises.
Understanding and being understood.
Being me.
Knowing I am Soul.
Facebook. (It's given me the opportunity to meet so many loving Souls all around the world.)
Being connected.
Being present.
Having an open mind and an open heart.

And I could go on and on, but I won't. Not here anyway.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

From My Back Window

Stretching forth,
Shaking off the sleepiness
Of nighttime,
A beautiful array of colors
Rise up in the morning.

Blues, pinks,
Oranges and gold
Unfold for me
To contemplate
Like a gift being unwrapped.

Tinkling of wind chimes,
Chirping of birds,
Soaring past to say hello.
No further must I go
Then to my back window.

Clouds pass by.
Some dark,
Gray and foreboding.
Others like big white cotton balls
Against baby blue skies.

Quickly passing at times,
Slowly at others.
Fascinated by their light
The intensity of their glow.

Amusing me with funny faces
Or a parade of animals
Marching by for my enjoyment
Extract giggles and delight
Open my heart with love and gratitude.

For there I will discover
Love resides.
And I never had to go
Any further than my
Back window.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Electrical pulses signal your presence.
Impregnate me with love,
My heart is full,
My life complete.

In your absence,
Loneliness creeps in.
Distance unbearable.
Time a punishment to be served.

But, oh, when I feel your return!
Swept up once again
In the love that is ours alone.
Grateful to know I am yours.

And I wait...
Dreaming of the day
When the dream becomes reality.
I ache in anticipation.

To hold your hand.
To laugh over silly jokes.
To just be.

Until that day arrives,
I dance,
I dream,
And I wait.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Digital illustration author unknown

If I must cry to release my sorrows then let me cry.
For in this valley of tears, I will create more room for divine love to flow.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Waves of gratitude
Open my heart
For Mahanta,
For you,
For love.

Reflecting upon
For this path I travel,
For this amazing life,
For all of creation.

Surround me.
Divine gifts
Given and received,

Leading the way
Like diamonds
Calling to me.

My eyes open wide in wonder,
My heart blooms tenderly
For the master musician
Orchestrating a masterpiece
To be heard by me alone.

Flocks of birds
Joyous at my remembering
Circle me in flight
Giving me
Wings to fly.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Do I Know?

How do I know
These arms that hold me tightly
Yet gently within it
As darkness covers us like a warm blanket
Escorting us into our dreamworlds?
How do I know thee presence?
By your love so divine?
By the prints left upon my heart?
Or is it your whispers upon Soul
Leaving me breathless?
The gift of you
Permeates my being.
Can I truly be whole without you?
Or will the hunger devour me
It empowers me,
Empowers us,
Leading us to do God's will.
Love is always the answer.
In It we are whole,
Together or apart,
United as one.
Taken higher and higher.
Soaring into the embrace of the highest.
Returning only to do Its bidding.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Angry dark beings
Around every corner
Stalking its prey
Threatening to overtake her.
Is there no escape?

Guarding herself
Weary and cautious,
She creeps along
The darkest paths.
Camouflage her only friend.

Sensing their presence,
Hiding behind big ominous trees.
Defenseless and susceptible,
Emotions like giant tsunamis
Threatening to swallow her whole.

She silently appeals for help.
The howl of the wind
And the pounding of her heart
Are the only replies.

Impending approach.
Whisperings swirl around her.
Sprinting for safety,
Discovers instead an open field.

Spinning around in place,
Abandoned and bewildered,
She has no choice
Except to face the shadows.
The fear fills her with dread.

Attacking her like an enraged
Swarm of deadly bees.
She prepares to do battle.
Drawing her only weapon...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

In the Arms of Love

Nowhere to go.
Nothing to be
Except for me.

Arms outstretched
Held tightly
By a thousand twinkling lights.

Bathed in purity,
Becoming one
Within the three.

Me is lost
In all that is.
Illusion shredded
Ripped from me
Like talons piercing my heart.

Humbly allowing
All that is
To replace
All that was.
Recreating me anew.

Vulnerable, I tremble
Under the weight
Of knowingness.
Yes, knowing,
Yet not knowing at all.

Hardly recognizing myself,
I nestle deeper
Into Its embrace.
Knowing I belong,
Accepting my birth right.

The salve of Its love
Soothes my tender wounds.
Red angry scars
Into pink flesh.

A gift given.
Covenant to be
The bride
Awaits her groom.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Sunsets are merely God's reminder to us that the ending of anything can be just as beautiful as the beginning of something.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Moment

*Photograph taken by: Unknown

A blanket of stars
Winks at me.
By incandescent candles,
Radiating royalty,
Throughout the luminous blue sky,
In awe I stand.

Staring above
At its inexplicable beauty.
Gazing in reverance
As tiny dancers waltz
Across the celestial field.
A solo performance,
Invitation only.

A tear escapes
For I am dwarfed
In comparison to this giant.
And I wonder,
Do you look down at me
As I look up to you?

Man on the moon,
Are you seeing me
For who I am
Or for who you suppose I be?
Viewing me through a looking glass
Is it my past or my future self
You conceive?

Waves lap upon my feet
Tickling my toes.
Gently bringing me back
Into a moment predisposed.
A kiss from the heavens
Caresses my cheek
Making our time complete.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Guest House by Rumi

Rumi seems to say it best these last few days for me so here is another...

"This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond."

From Essential Rumi
by Coleman Barks

Monday, November 1, 2010


"The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,
they're in each other all along."

From Essential Rumi
by Coleman Barks

Rumi wrote a lot on love. I find him very wise. This is one of my favorites.