Golden Heart

Golden Heart

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Divine Intervention

Thinking a lot about protection. How many times in our lifetime do we receive divine intervention and don't even realize it? Sometimes events happen that are so large in scope there really is no other explanation except for a supreme helping hand. This, to me, is one such experience.

Driving from downtown to my mom's, bee-bopping along to tunes on the radio, I am cruising along at 25 mph through a residential area. I near an intersection but noticing the light is green I keep chugging along. Through my peripheral vision enters a white car barreling at me oblivious to its red light. I am looking out of my driver's side window as it approaches me. This person is obviously traveling at a speed way above the limit judging by the screech of the tires.

In a way it seems impossible that I will come out of this in one piece, if at all; but, for some reason, I don't react and automatically press on my brakes or panic. Instead I keep advancing like la dee da, nothing going on here, and witness this vehicle preparing to bulldoze me through my driver's side window! The bewildered speed racer comes to a stop, and I make it through safely, counting my blessings. Whew! Close call! Too close!

But how often do we receive assistance in much more subtle ways? A "wrong" turn here, late getting out of bed there, or kids who aren't cooperating could all be a well-placed stall tactic for your greater benefit that goes unnoticed. Those are the kind we may never know about, but they happen. I think I will certainly think twice the next time I have to take a detour or I'm stuck in traffic. Maybe I will even be grateful when my telephone rings for the third time as I try and run out the door.

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