Today this seems very relevant so I will post this in lieu of my own writings and meanderings.
"In the beginning man roamed the world without the need of woman, for he was furnished with everything except the chemistry of the feminine nature, and God began to wonder about this. After eternity passed again, God winked his other eye and smiled with happiness, for He had solved the problem of man's lack of traits which included love, affection, and emotional characteristics that are needed for his return to the Nameless world called Anami Lok.
"God decided to split the soul of man and make of him two souls, although this would make man unhappy until he was with woman and became part of her, and she a part of him.
"So God did this and man had a woman to be the negative side of his nature. There was nothing he could do within his world to complete a task of divine doing until he had the cooperation and help of woman at his side.
"Man rebelled against this principle of God's and tried to demoralize woman by making a slave out of her, but it did not work. Woman exerted her divine rights and became an equal partner for man. She became the other side of his nature, to crystalize forms, to show him a better way to God by using his perceptive side of nature.
"On the other hand, neither can woman exist without man. She is dependent upon him for the power of God which flows through him. He has been given a chemical battery which has the ability to draw the power directly to himself, which woman lacks, but can take from man himself.
"This is why man and woman must join to share their gift from God to others. And for this purpose the marriage bonds were created, so man and woman could, under divine law, share their own lives and give to one another experiences which could not be gained alone. And to be the balance against one another's nature.
"It is for this purpose that God has created man and woman, in order that the great law may keep in balance the apex of divine life with woman during his incarnations, he must eventually find his soul mate and be balanced within life, or the universal body of God, to become one.
"Now this law of God enacts upon itself. All things within the body of God must have complete balance. This is the way of balancing man and woman and their natures."
The Tiger's Fang, Paul Twitchell, pages 90 - 91, copyright 1967, 1969