When our eyes first met,
I did not know you.
But how could I not
When in my dreams we so often
Rendezvoused upon white sandy beaches
Longing to recapture
A time so distant past.
Connecting a love
That transcended time and space.
Two Souls who could not bear
To be kept apart.
When our hands first touched,
Shooting stars burst between them.
A magic not seen before and ever since.
A spark reigniting a passion
That never died
But instead burned quietly waiting
For the opportunity to burn
Brightly and fiercely once more.
The roar of the flames grew louder
As they reunited as One.
When our lips met,
Time froze completely
Honoring the silent recognition
Of a love running so deeply.
Stunned silence as Soul and Soul
Rejoiced in remembering.
The One becoming two,
Desiring to become One again.
The veil drops before them.
Illusion can be no more.
Alas, they are no longer lost
But neither can they be together.
Circumstances wedged
Like a large fallen tree between them,
Unmovable by mere human strength,
Blocking the only path
They had come to know.
Did they dare dream for Divine Intervention?
Or had hope suffered a terrible death,
Crushed beneath the weight of fate?
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