My body rocks in rhythm to the notes that promenade in and out of my consciousness.
Mind becomes lost in Sound.
Mortal figurine falls away as Soul is gracefully elevated into the planes.
Twirling like a prima ballerina to the harmony drifting around and through me.
The Light bursts forth from deep inside, as the Sound carries me within Itself,
No more am I a part of this world so heavy.
I have shed your oppressive cloak and replaced it with a luminous wrap of golden stars,
Twinkling across me on a bed of white light.
A prodigious blue star beckons to me,
Singing to me like you would imagine a choir of angels to lull an infant into the dream worlds,
With a subtle, soft touch that quietly stirs you deeply, profoundly,
Raising you up to levels beyond human comprehension.
A strong hand reaches for yours, and you see your partner in this enfoldment.
His love encompasses you, warms you, and guides you.
Unspoken words pass between you as he leads you further into the Light and Sound of God.
Truth permeates your very being, reaching into the very core of you.
You are familiar with Its touch, and It naturally resonates within.
Your inner guide chaperones you throughout the universes and safely back again.
Waltzing to a beat that only you and he can hear, one that is orchestrated just for you.
Pirouetting gently into your physical temple, awakening to a life that waits to serve you as you wait to serve It.
The dance of Soul has only just begun.
Thanks for sharing the music of life with your talent