After a discussion about this very topic, I find myself tumbling these ideas around in my mind and in my heart. I came up with an answer that makes sense for now, at least for me. Nothing is written in stone. As we learn, our answers grow. Maybe our questions do, too.
Divine love is limitless. Divine love becomes human love when we put restrictions upon it. Divine love is unconditional while its counterpart has strings attached. One offers complete freedom, and the other restricts to some extent. Even so I do not see one as less than the other because, to me, human love is divine love being practiced. And as long as our attention is on love then we will attract love. One way we can bring more love into our lives is by singing HU, a love song to God.
"Singing HU can:
- Expand your awareness.
- Help you experience divine love.
- Heal a broken heart.
- Offer solace during times of grief.
- Bring peace and calm."
"Singing HU draws one closer to God. With eyes open or closed, take a few deep breaths and relax. Then begin to sing HU (pronounced like the word hue) in a long, drawn out sound: HU-U-U-U. Take another breath, and sing HU again. Continue for up to twenty minutes. Sing HU with a feeling of love, and it will gradually open your heart to God."
"When your day is hard, remember to sing HU. It puts you back in line with the Holy Spirit." Harold Klemp, The Slow Burning Love of God, page 25
For more information about HU and the teachings of ECKANKAR, visit www.hearHU.org. Call 1-800-LOVE GOD or write:
Dept F28
PO Box 2000
Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000
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