The yearning of one heart to another cries forth
Like the screaming of a hawk from within.
Heard among the valleys below,
And the vast mountains high.
Soaring on golden wings,
Love searches for its beloved.
Guided by a deep sense of knowingness
Instinctively feeling its presence calling to it.
The rush of the wind fills its inner ears.
I hear you speak
But know not what you say.
Words unformed in its purity.
Can there be such words
Adequate to leave your precious lips?
Or can they not be spoken
Lest they be made profane?
Show me then.
Take me into your arms
And reveal to me your love
In the highest, most divine ways.
My body trembles at love's mere glance.
Its touch burning me with a fire
I have not previously known.
A well of passion not reached before thee.
Lavish me with your kisses
So I may remember you fully
And drink from a cup
Overflowing with all that is good.
Is it that all of life has only been
Leading me unto you and you to I?
Lovers of God serving the Divine through
A merging of the highest qualities between two Souls.
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