I am love.
You are love.
Recognize it.
Be it.
Enjoy it.
How can we be anything but?
It is our divine right to know and be love.
It is the only thing that matters.
We must know ourselves.
And in this knowing, we discover love.
What other purpose shall we have that will be as worthy?
Never let us stop until we achieve this goal.
Because as we reach into ourselves,
We reach into God.
And from there we can serve the highest.
Forget all you have been told previously.
Forget that you are not worthy in the eyes of many.
For they do not matter.
Let love cleanse you and raise you up.
Let love be all there is and ever was.
You are Soul!
You have wings to fly!
Use them!
Go inwardly and see for yourself,
You cannot be held down
For eagles soar.
And you, my friend, are an eagle!
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