I am what I am.
It's all I can be.
Soul is calling,
Waiting for me to see.
Pressures build.
My world crumbles apart.
Life is overbearing.
Pulling me to start.
Create new worlds!
Love them into existence!
For the old is past,
The future transcendent.
Raise me up!
High above it all.
Take from me my fears,
I cannot fall.
Allow me clarity,
To look beyond the fog.
For love ever-present
Awaits me even in the bog.
The call of Soul
Rips illusions away.
Leaving only love
To come and stay.
The call of Soul has always been
Love everlasting, complete and whole.
Only our human self under the influence of mind
Loses all control, making us feel left behind.
Beautiful, Tammy... Simply, Beautiful! :-)