Golden Heart

Golden Heart

Monday, July 26, 2010

Taking Inventory: What I've Learned About Love

- When you ask to be shown love, be ready for anything! And, remember, you asked for it. The old saying applies, "Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it."

- Love knows NO bounds, no time, no space, and certainly NO limits.

- Love will push you as far as you can go, and sometimes a little further than that.

- Love is unconditional in its divine form; in human form...not so much.

- Love will stretch you to grow, and sometimes that hurts...a LOT!

- Love is a bed of roses, but that means the thorns, too.

- Love can be as loud as thunder and a lightening bolt to the senses, but other times it is only a whisper stirring in your heart.

- Love is shared and can come from the most unlikely of places.

- Love in the form of friendship means they will stick by your side even when the brown stuff hits the fan and spreads to all of its surrounding areas.

- Love can challenge you in the most unexpected ways.

- Love, or maybe the idea of love, can make you do things you never thought were possible.

- Too much love, too soon, can make you a little crazy.

- Love is patient, even if you aren't.

- Love will forever change you, and there is no going back.

- Love NEVER dies. It may transform, but it will never cease to exist.

- Love is a gift. Treasure it. Don't take advantage of it and don't hold onto it too tightly because you will lose it.

- Love is not for the faint of heart.

This is the short list. Some things about love cannot be spoken in words. And, other things...I guess, I am still learning.

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