Golden Heart

Golden Heart

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Dance of Soul

My body rocks in rhythm to the notes that promenade in and out of my consciousness.
Mind becomes lost in Sound.
Mortal figurine falls away as Soul is gracefully elevated into the planes.
Twirling like a prima ballerina to the harmony drifting around and through me.

The Light bursts forth from deep inside, as the Sound carries me within Itself,
No more am I a part of this world so heavy.
I have shed your oppressive cloak and replaced it with a luminous wrap of golden stars,
Twinkling across me on a bed of white light.

A prodigious blue star beckons to me,
Singing to me like you would imagine a choir of angels to lull an infant into the dream worlds,
With a subtle, soft touch that quietly stirs you deeply, profoundly,
Raising you up to levels beyond human comprehension.

A strong hand reaches for yours, and you see your partner in this enfoldment.
His love encompasses you, warms you, and guides you.
Unspoken words pass between you as he leads you further into the Light and Sound of God.
Truth permeates your very being, reaching into the very core of you.
You are familiar with Its touch, and It naturally resonates within.

Your inner guide chaperones you throughout the universes and safely back again.
Waltzing to a beat that only you and he can hear, one that is orchestrated just for you.
Pirouetting gently into your physical temple, awakening to a life that waits to serve you as you wait to serve It.
The dance of Soul has only just begun.

Friday, August 20, 2010

When It's Over...or Is it? (Part 2)

What keeps married couples together after the fire dies down? Idealistically two people who love each other would work together to keep that fire going, but this isn't always the case. More often than not, people get comfortable and start to take each other for granted. Staying together becomes more of a habit; let's face it, it's secure and dealing with what you know is way better than facing the unknown. It's not an easy choice to say, this is no longer working for me/us but to stay, for me, is like living the biggest lie ever.

Divorce is mostly seen as a four-letter word but maybe there's another way to view it. Could it be that sometimes a divorce is a gift you give each other? I mean, people change, why wouldn't marriages? Granted, not every marriage is doomed to fail. There is hope if a couple truly loves each other and they are willing to go the extra mile to make it happen. What are the qualities that comprise a successful union of the heart? I will have to use my imagination because I haven't had a "successful" marriage yet, but I am not giving up hope. Remember, I'm a romantic at heart.

Don't let the fire burn down. Keep it interesting. Keep it somewhat mysterious. Explore little ways you can keep the excitement going in your relationship. There are hundreds of ideas popping in my head even as I type this, but here are only a couple so you get the idea. Wear jeans and a t-shirt every day? Throw on a skirt and some make-up...ladies only, hopefully, but whatever floats your boat. Always have dinner on the run or on paper plates? Pull out the good china and some candles, try a new recipe, and send the kids to Grandmom's once in a while.

Men, you are not exempt. Do you always absentmindedly kiss your wife as you are blazing out the door in the morning or not at all? Take a few minutes longer and give her a kiss that will make her think about you the rest of the day. Never underestimate the power of a real kiss.

Come home for lunch once in a while. What a great way to stimulate the rest of your day. Schedules allowing, of course. Surprise is always a plus factor if it is done with love. And you fall into a rut easily when you are doing the same things day in and day out. Don't let it happen! And if it is happening, pull out the first aid kit quick! It's never too late if you are both willing to work at it. If not it's like paddling a boat with one oar, you get nowhere fast.

Take time to appreciate each other and all the things you do throughout the day.

Accept each other for who you are faults and all. They were okay when you first got into the relationship. Why aren't they okay now? If something really gets on your nerves, don't harbor resentment. Find the right time, the right words, and talk about it. If someone gets defensive or emotions get involved, let it go, walk away. Chances are, given some space, he/she will have a change of heart if they know it is important to you. And, if not, you may have to decide how much it really matters in the grander scheme of things.

Take time to connect and reconnect. It's so easy to get lost in the stress of every day stuff. Have a date night. Have fun! It doesn't have to be a night out on the town. Take a long drive together, pack a picnic, read poetry to each other if you both like poetry... Dance in your living room! Be spontaneous!

Falling in love is the easy part; staying in love takes work but it can be fun if you let it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

When It's Over (Part 1)

Sometimes love between two people runs its course; a relationship has been taken as far as it is able to go. It is a wise person who knows and accepts when this is so and even wiser still when the couple together come to this logical but painful conclusion. Nevertheless, the challenges of ending a short or long-term affair are never easy. And if you add in factors like the length of time you invested in each other, finances, assets, or children then you up the ante. Suddenly you find yourself in a nightmare whether parting ways is the "right" thing to do or not.

Love can be complicated but only because we make it so. Humans like to put conditions on everything! We need things to be ordered and make sense. Or maybe it isn't even could be just me.

Perhaps we expect too much out of relationships. Why is a marriage forever? Is that realistic? Or is that an unnecessary pressure we put on ourselves? Could it be possible that some marriages aren't supposed to last forever? What if this legal bond served a purpose and that purpose is not forever after? What would they be? I have my own sneaky suspicions but I will leave you to find your own answers. Mine may not be yours.

Could it be that love in a marriage does not end but changes form? In the beginning it is a fiery passion fueling this bond. If we didn't have that, why would anyone feel motivated to get married in the first place? I would think you would have to feel like you couldn't live without this person to make such a commitment, but I'm speaking from a learning curve and my own interpretation. In fact I seem to have more questions than answers at this point. And, even if I do have a few answers, I can't promise you I won't change my mind tomorrow. It's my prerogative, and I use it quite frequently.

So chemistry brings us together but what keeps us together? Blood, sweat, and tears? Hopefully, it's not quite that drastic but I may be onto something.

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love Revealed

Little things slip by.
No eyes to see.


Details shimmer.
Love reveals Itself.

Slowing down,
I see!
Love smiling back at me.

No more doubt.

Love is

In Its presence.

Being love.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Divine Love vs Human Love: Is There a Difference?

After a discussion about this very topic, I find myself tumbling these ideas around in my mind and in my heart. I came up with an answer that makes sense for now, at least for me. Nothing is written in stone. As we learn, our answers grow. Maybe our questions do, too.

Divine love is limitless. Divine love becomes human love when we put restrictions upon it. Divine love is unconditional while its counterpart has strings attached. One offers complete freedom, and the other restricts to some extent. Even so I do not see one as less than the other because, to me, human love is divine love being practiced. And as long as our attention is on love then we will attract love. One way we can bring more love into our lives is by singing HU, a love song to God.

"Singing HU can:

- Expand your awareness.
- Help you experience divine love.
- Heal a broken heart.
- Offer solace during times of grief.
- Bring peace and calm."

"Singing HU draws one closer to God. With eyes open or closed, take a few deep breaths and relax. Then begin to sing HU (pronounced like the word hue) in a long, drawn out sound: HU-U-U-U. Take another breath, and sing HU again. Continue for up to twenty minutes. Sing HU with a feeling of love, and it will gradually open your heart to God."

"When your day is hard, remember to sing HU. It puts you back in line with the Holy Spirit." Harold Klemp, The Slow Burning Love of God, page 25

For more information about HU and the teachings of ECKANKAR, visit Call 1-800-LOVE GOD or write:
Dept F28
PO Box 2000
Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fear of Love Dissolved

Feelings of abandonment, rejection, and neglect are not always skin deep; sometimes fears stretch lifetimes in depth. Receiving love seems like it should be a given; it is, afterall, our God-given right but not everyone is able and of those who are not, hardly any understand why. It is complicated or at least that is the illusion we are fed. Answers in our childhood may offer clues but often one must dig much further to discover the full truth. In my experience the only way to do that is to look within because all of the answers are there waiting to be found again.

In creating our own worlds, we often choose what is familiar to us. We weave our stories out of the same cloth that we have chosen time and time again until we are ready to fabricate a story from better, higher quality cloth. And, as the saying goes, "When the student is ready, the master will appear."

She searched and searched for answers she thought would never come but quitting was not an option, somehow she knew her life depended on it. Every day she would search her inner worlds for the truth she had hidden from herself until quite suddenly the light began to shine upon it. Black and white images flashed before the screen of her mind like old movies playing upon an old-fashioned reel, the click clicking sounding in her ears as each image passed by.

The Master held her hand as the sobbing wracked her body and tears poured from her eyes. Together they observed one scenario after another as love unrequited left her feeling alone and deserted in lifetime after lifetime. All the hurt and pain like big crusty mounds crumbled off of her, and she could start to feel the weight of it lifting immediately. What seemed like an eternity later, it was over.

Holding her tightly the Master whispered, "It is over now. You are free to love and be loved. Nothing more stands in your way." Again she wept but now her tears were no longer of sorrow but of happiness and joy.

As he turned to part, he faced her once more. "Follow your heart. Trust me and trust yourself. You are free!" She realized her whole life story had been based upon these fears. She felt like a prisoner who had been set free from her past, and it had taken a journey to the temple within herself to discover the key she had carried all along.

Life is yours for the taking! If it is not what you want, it is within your power alone to change it.