When I was a child,
I would dance in the rain,
Sing to the stars,
And spin on grassy meadows
Until falling in a fit of laughter.
When I was a child,
I would hug the trees,
Talk to the animals,
Fly with the wind,
Travel my inner worlds with ease.
When I was a child,
I listened to God.
It spoke in my heart
Words only I could hear,
And I knew of Its love for me.
When I was a child,
Dandelions were not weeds,
But golden faces smiling at me.
Rocks were old friends
Providing me a seat to contemplate.
When I was a child,
I cried when our willow tree
Was chopped down
And the possums
Chased away.
When I was a child,
Fears of the boogeymen
Under my bed
Could be dispelled
With a kiss.
When I was a child,
I climbed out my window
To keep the company
Of a crow
Cawing his secrets to me.
When I grew up,
I longed to become childlike again.
To once again,
Dance in the rain,
Sing to the stars,
Fly with the wind
And reclaim the innocence
Of a mind unpolluted by the world.
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