In the beauty of this New Year, I wish nothing for myself, except as it will serve the good of the whole. Instead I give myself completely over to this Highest Source, to love, to God, to my inner Master, Mahanta, and I will be used as It sees fit to use me. For it is in this giving, I truly can receive and so I have lost nothing but gained instead the glories of all that the Sugmad has to offer.
I can do nothing on my own. I am one with this powerful force of love and nothing comes of me but of this true love. Nothing else matters and so I am a gift of true love to this world. And, as I rise, so will you. And, as you rise, so will I and so will they. United we will rise as the powerful beings we have always been...a gift to each other, a gift to life and to all those around us. Do we not recognize our greatness?
We are love. We cannot be without it because we are it. And so I will give of this love to all who crosses my path whether here or in the other worlds. I will love because this is my true self. I choose LOVE! Love has chosen me! Love has chosen you! How will you return all of which you are to the greatness of all that is?
Happy New Year!
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