Golden Heart

Golden Heart

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I feel so...

I feel...
Wrapped in love.

A cocoon of silvery silk thread
Spun delicately around me.

but not limited.

Uplifted to heights
Previously unexplored.

Sheltered in the generous
Arms of the divine.

Safety procured in Its presence,
New found freedom.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

When I Was A Child

When I was a child,
I would dance in the rain,
Sing to the stars,
And spin on grassy meadows
Until falling in a fit of laughter.

When I was a child,
I would hug the trees,
Talk to the animals,
Fly with the wind,
Travel my inner worlds with ease.

When I was a child,
I listened to God.
It spoke in my heart
Words only I could hear,
And I knew of Its love for me.

When I was a child,
Dandelions were not weeds,
But golden faces smiling at me.
Rocks were old friends
Providing me a seat to contemplate.

When I was a child,
I cried when our willow tree
Was chopped down
And the possums
Chased away.

When I was a child,
Fears of the boogeymen
Under my bed
Could be dispelled
With a kiss.

When I was a child,
I climbed out my window
To keep the company
Of a crow
Cawing his secrets to me.

When I grew up,
I longed to become childlike again.
To once again,
Dance in the rain,
Sing to the stars,
Fly with the wind
And reclaim the innocence
Of a mind unpolluted by the world.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Gift of a New Year

In the beauty of this New Year, I wish nothing for myself, except as it will serve the good of the whole. Instead I give myself completely over to this Highest Source, to love, to God, to my inner Master, Mahanta, and I will be used as It sees fit to use me. For it is in this giving, I truly can receive and so I have lost nothing but gained instead the glories of all that the Sugmad has to offer.

I can do nothing on my own. I am one with this powerful force of love and nothing comes of me but of this true love. Nothing else matters and so I am a gift of true love to this world. And, as I rise, so will you. And, as you rise, so will I and so will they. United we will rise as the powerful beings we have always been...a gift to each other, a gift to life and to all those around us. Do we not recognize our greatness?

We are love. We cannot be without it because we are it. And so I will give of this love to all who crosses my path whether here or in the other worlds. I will love because this is my true self. I choose LOVE! Love has chosen me! Love has chosen you! How will you return all of which you are to the greatness of all that is?

Happy New Year!