Standing on the beach, the warm rays of the sun permeating my being, listening to the cry of the seagulls as they descend and ascend from the water, and watching the tide crash at my feet fills my heart with love. There's just something about running playfully into the invigorating embrace of the waves that is sure to make your heart unlock its doors and the child in you reappear, wide-eyed in awe of its greatness.
Diving into its depths, curious to know the treasures it shelters, my body tingles with renewal and strength. Giggles rise up out of me like bubbly champagne, tickling my insides, calling me to remember my joyous self. The sun kisses my face as I direct my attention into the light, drawing its energy into me, and then swimming deeper, further. Content I allow myself to float upward, eyes observing the small, twinkling spots of illuminations widening as I reach the surface. I taste the salt upon my lips as I exhale and then inhale again the pureness of the ocean air.
Energy delightfully spent, I return to the heated grains of sand and throw myself upon it, permitting my body to sink into the hot granules of gold. I surrender myself to the dreams of mermaids and the water nymphs and like a toddler who has played hard, sleep comes quickly so I can continue my respite in other worlds not far from here.
The Dream Master appears with a smile upon his face and a twinkle in his eyes to escort me to places unknown. For a brief moment I hesitate, and I feel an impression upon my mind, "Trust me" coaxing me out of my shell and with that we take flight. The earthly world seems to disappear beneath us. Bright and brighter lights envelop us while melodious sounds increase in volume until they are no longer heard outside of us but become an internal orchestra. Within it I discover we are the Light. We are the Sound. It encompasses everything and yet nothing at all. Love is and is not. The paradox is lost upon the human mind but here it all makes sense because there is nothing to make sense of.
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