Once upon a time there was nothing and out of this nothingness came a single thought, "I must know myself." From this single thought sprung desire and so energy split creating atoms of Itself. These sparks were very much caught up in themselves so the Creator of All decided, to know oneself, you need to experience life in all of its facets. It sent these Souls to boot camp and called one such place, "Earth." Earth was a very difficult environment to live.
Soul was immature and uncertain of its role, but that was okay because it would get many opportunities to learn. Lessons were delivered in great abundance, and they were given unlimited amounts of lifetimes in order to know who they were but also to learn who their Creator was. In the process their Maker was able to experience life through them so it was a mutually beneficial relationship.
Something unexpected happened to Soul as it entered their new residence; it forgot who it was! They even forgot who they had been in previous lives! Not knowing they were actually powerful beyond measure made even the most simple task seem incredibly difficult. Not to worry, though, the Highest Source would not let them flounder in their ignorance for long; It gave them higher beings to aide them in their efforts to remember. These beings came in forms of angels, masters, and other guardians or gods. They even received inner guidance through dreams, but not all were wise enough to take those dreams seriously. If all else failed, they each were given the greatest gift of all, an internal compass, their heart. Whenever in doubt, all Soul had to do was follow their heart and act within the highest love they knew at that time.
Fortunately, Soul was given a mind with their human body. Unfortunately, the mind was very powerful and would many times override the heart. It would tell the human that it was in charge, and they would believe it. The truth was, the mind was a super-computer. It only knew what it was fed, and it was only fed what it had participated in or was exposed to, directly or indirectly, throughout its lifetime. It filed away all of the human's experiences and would base future experiences on the past. Sometimes this was good because the person had pleasant exposures, but many times it was not. By default it would keep people in a fearful state, afraid to do something, because in the past it had resulted in something they thought was "bad." When the mind followed a pattern, it would often keep people stuck in a rut for a long period of time.
The humans did not understand that this super-computer wasn't very smart at all. Because in all actuality it only knew what it was told. So if someone made a mistake and told the computer 2+2=10 then it would insist that 2+2=10, even though we know it really equals four. Other people might try to point this out, but unless the individual was ready they would always side with their own mind.
In truth the mind makes a better slave than a master but most humans have this backwards. Some day they will learn their true inheritance and, when they do, they will come to know themselves and the Source that loved them enough to give them life. They will, for all eternity after that, live to love and serve this Source until they return Home once again and then they will live happily ever after. The End?
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