Selling a house and recreating your life all over again can be stressful. Granted, it's a good stress, but it can take its toll if you let it. I realized I was letting myself get too entangled in the stress, the fears, and all the mind stuff so I decided to venture out for a day.
I found myself at a pretty secluded beach near the Cape May Ferry in New Jersey. It was a beautiful day to say the least, and I enjoyed the relaxation, the me time. At the end of the day, the sun began to set. It was pretty. It looked like this.

I felt so grateful to be in the presence of such a living, breathing reminder that endings can be as beautiful as beginnings. The birds seemed to think so too and so I tried numerous times to capture them as they flew directly in the path of the sunlight because I thought what a photo it would make. My timing was always off and soon the sun was fading behind the clouds.
Finally, I gave up and thought to myself, "Well, if the Holy Spirit wanted me to have that photo I would've gotten it or something much, much better." I gathered up my things and began to walk away. No sooner than I had, I got a nudge to turn around. I saw this.


I couldn't believe my eyes! It will forever remind me that we can do okay on our own. Life can be even beautiful as we go about in our lives trying to make things happen. But…when we let go and let Spirit…well, that's when miracles really DO happen! So thank you! Thank you so VERY much! My heart is overflowing with gratitude!
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