Golden Heart

Golden Heart

Monday, July 4, 2016

My Mission of Love

Within stillness I hear you.
In chaos I invite you.
I listen for your whispers
Into the deepest wells of my heart,
Overriding and subduing the 
Loudness of mind.  

My mission is love, 
To give and to receive.
To be the love that I am,
Indeed have always been.
To serve the ECK
Through knowing, being, and seeing.

Learning to love this self,
The individual
With all its strengths, weaknesses,
Its curiosities, questionable motives,
In its imperfectly perfect bodies.

Loving the emotions 
Through the twists and turns,
The ups and downs.
Cycling through, 
Passing by so fleetingly,
All the while knowing 
It is not really I,
Not the real I.

Loving the mind
In its rigid, primitive box.
Bringing awareness, light,
To the dark places it sometimes resides,
Raising it up and out 
Of its confinement
To a higher home.

Softening its rough edges
With the power of All That Is,
All that I am of,

Coming to know and love
What is infinitely real, true,
What is infinitely me,
Drawing me closer

Illusions fall by the wayside,
Shattering on impact instantaneously,
Making room for truth
Among the remains of what once was.

I observe,
Remaining firmly planted in the NOW
As I walk upon the ruins
Building anew.

I am strong in my love,
In the power of my true self,
In the power of HU.
Standing in the eternal ECK,
Breathing the substance of It.

Leave me here.
Hold me in your infinite love, 
For here I am me
In all Its glory.
For here I am you
In all your love.

And if there comes times,
As they mostly do,
When these bodies falter,
In the winds of change,
Blowing powerfully
Let Soul be strong in this knowingness of HU,

Carrying us through to YOU!

I Once Was An Eagle

Artist Unknown
I once was an eagle
Way up above I flew
Until I didn’t.
Tethered to an invisible arm,
Attached to an invisible body.
Allowed to fly no more.
I have not forgotten the magnificent view, 
The air beneath my wings,
The wind in my face.
Or how it felt to swoop from great heights
to the valleys below 
And then up again.
Now caged I have only my dreams to remind me of 
The glorious days when I glided the heavens 
And scoured the lands and waters below.
They say it is for my own good.
They say my wings are broken.
I don’t believe them.
For in my heart, I soar,
Like the eagle I am.


"Focus on the good, on the love, and then when you think you're there...focus some more on the good and on the love. We make a choice each moment...focus on fear...focus on love...Where is the love? Follow the love and know it's always love. If you haven't found the love, it isn't over yet. MTBB."

Photo Credit:  See More Divinely Photography by Tammy M. Attama